Did you know that 38% of U.S. pastors have considered quitting full-time ministry in the last year? According to a study published by the Barna Group late last year, nearly two out of every five pastors are thinking about leaving ministry.
As a Church, we must pay attention. We need thriving pastors, and our pastors need support.
The need for healthy pastors who can lead flourishing local churches for the long term is not unique to the United States. This is a global need. The Church is growing exponentially around the world, and local congregations need local leaders who are equipped for ministry that lasts.
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Because Every Home is committed to serving local churches to carry the love of Jesus to every person on earth, we are naturally concerned with the spiritual formation of local pastors. Our leadership in over 150 nations labors in support of thriving churches led by healthy pastors who are personally invested in the Christ-centered redemption of their own communities.

One way we’re investing in local church leadership is through the Oikos Training Center of Brazil—the cornerstone of a groundbreaking training model that empowers pastors to equip their congregations to share the gospel and disciple new believers in their communities.
This training center is the fulfillment of a decades-old dream stewarded by generations of our leadership in Brazil. We are so excited to see it come into fruition because of the diligence and vision of our ministry director in Brazil, Alessandro. His story is a beautiful testimony to the faithfulness of past leadership and the passion of our brothers and sisters in the field today. You can read more about Alessandro and the Oikos Training Center of Brazil on our blog.

As we prepare for our own succession of leadership at our ministry headquarters, we look to examples like Alessandro’s around the world. The Every Home vision has been carried through many generations all over the globe. We are blessed — each one of us — to steward that vision.
It is an honor to be part of a ministry committed to dreams like Alessandro’s: practical plans that multiply the reach of the hope of Christ by serving people in meaningful ways.
And it is all grounded in the foundation of your prayers. Your impact grows quickly. You lift up Alessandro. Alessandro serves local pastors. Local pastors lead congregations. Congregations transform communities. Communities add up to entire nations reached with the love of Jesus. You are a vital part of this generational vision, and we are grateful you are here.
Please pray for my children that God saves them and delivers them from the plans of the enemy and in the meantime protects them from their iniquity and brings forth wisdom, discernment and hearts of flesh that are repentant and fruitful lives sold out for Christ with constant Holy Spirit help and they are overcomers in the supernatural because it is more than what we see with our physical eyes but in the spiritual, God has promised me He will purify their household and in the meantime, I pray for protection over my 2 year old grandson, Ollis who needs to have every pain of rejection struck out and for Jesus blood to cover Him and for Holy Spirit to fill him and guide him and to have the Father’s heart for redemption and protection mentally physically emotionally and SPIRITUALLY. I pray for protection over all of those He gifted me with in my household and as for me and mine WE WILL SERVE THE LORD. There is no principality that exists that will not submit under the authority of our Father in Heaven, praise GOD!!