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There are, as we all know, only two things on earth that are eternal—God’s Word and man’s soul. We need to dedicate our lives to those things that are eternal. I don’t know of any ministry I have been involved with that is doing this better than Every Home for Christ.

David GreenFounder and CEO, Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.

As I have traveled around the world, I have become convinced that one of the greatest needs in the missionary enterprise is to scatter the Gospel by the printed page in every part of the world, something that is central to the work of Every Home for Christ. May God continue to bless Every Home for Christ.

Dr. Billy GrahamEvangelist

Every Home for Christ has an incredible vision. Within the next 20 years, [the goal] is to reach every home in the world [with] the gospel. It's a big vision, but [...] we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Whatever you can do to be a part of it, please do it—[there’s] a great need for people to reach out for Jesus. I can't wait to see what God does in the next 20 years!

Jeremy CampChristian Recording Artist

Every Home for Christ [envisions] that every home in the world [will] have the chance to hear the gospel, be loved by the church, and [...] be exposed to the love of Jesus. I'm joining Every Home in prayer that minds [will be transformed] by the love of Jesus and that, in the mission we have already set forth, [...] God, in His grace, mercy, and power, [will] blow us away beyond what we could ever imagine with what He does through this vision.

Phil WickhamChristian Recording Artist

Every Home for Christ epitomizes all the values and priorities which I believe are essential to make a world impact.

Dr. Jack HayfordPresident of The King's University

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