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A Sneak Peek at the New Biblical Print Shop of the Americas

A Sneak Peek at the New Biblical Print Shop of the Americas

We’ve broken ground in a space cleared among the tightly woven trees. We have poured the foundation. Masons lay row on row of bricks. And excitement is building among our team in Brazil, spilling over to our teams across the continent.

The print shop is almost done!

What’s so exciting about a print shop?

The Biblical Print Shop of the Americas currently under construction in Brazil is not just the answer to a practical need for Bibles and gospel literature. It’s also a window into how Every Home for Christ works on the ground and in the day-to-day.

Around the world, our big, audacious vision is coming to fulfillment in countless acts of faithfulness — plain practicalities and humble hard work. Believers committed to “being faithful in the little things” that result in big things propel our mission tirelessly forward. They ensure every beating heart encounters Jesus.

It’s a big deal. And we’re excited to offer you a sneak peek.

The expanded operational space provided by the Biblical Print Shop of the Americas’s new facility will make room for new equipment, including specialized machines for printing and binding Bibles.

With offices in over 150 nations, it’s safe to say there is always something big happening in the Every Home family. In 2021, believers working with Every Home presented the gospel 161,265,267 times. That means, on average, every single minute, Every Home teams preach the gospel somewhere in the world over 300 times!

The printed Word of God is an essential part of most gospel presentations. In our American context, it is easy to underestimate the power of the printed gospel. To us, it might seem old-fashioned or impersonal.

Gospel literature, however, is a uniquely powerful and beautiful way to share  Jesus in many global contexts, notably in Latin America.

Latin America and the Caribbean have some of the highest literacy rates in the world. In 2020, 94% of adults could read and write.

In a highly literate context, literature is one of the best tools for expressing the gospel in accessible ways. It is also one of the best means of equipping believers to share their faith.

Witnessing can be daunting. Will we have the right words? What if someone asks a question, and we don’t know the answer? How will the other person respond?

Gospel literature strengthens the witness of believers. It supports their conversation with Scripture and gives believers the words to say. And even when our words stumble, the Word of God never returns void (Isaiah 55:11). Every piece of gospel literature Every Home teams create is filled with God’s Word.

Not only is our mission to reach all and every only possible if we equip local believers to be messengers of the Good News to their neighbors, but equipping believers is the end goal of outreach.

There is a flood of redemption sweeping out from the cross over the world. The most joyous invitation we can offer another person is the opportunity to be caught up in that tide. The gospel doesn’t merely absolve us from the wrongs of our past. The gospel transforms our lives, stitching our too-small dreams into God’s great purpose.

Around the world, God is moving in local churches and believers. We are in an era of radical mobilization.

Upon completion, the print shop will be capable of producing hundreds of thousands of gospel materials every year in addition to thousands of Bibles.

One local believer in Macapá, Brazil who was recently trained for gospel outreach puts it this way:

“This February, I received the opportunity to participate in outreach with my church with great joy. It was a very rewarding experience. It awakened in us a passion for the main mission of the church — to announce the gospel. I’ve observed that we [church members] can get stuck in a comfort zone… I believe that we have entered a new era. I believe that we will have great harvests of souls in this city. Thank you to everyone who was willing to be here in Macapá and teach all of us.”

The Biblical Print Shop of the Americas will resource this movement of ordinary evangelists. Its objective is to make the Word of God accessible to all people in Brazil and Latin America through the printed message.

That’s right: All of Latin America! Our leadership team in Brazil is dreaming big, beyond their own country to their continent.

Strategically located in the world’s fifth largest and seventh most populous nation—Brazil, the print shop will be equipped to efficiently resource Every Home teams across Latin America. It will also provide millions of people with Bibles.

Because Brazil shares borders with many Latin American countries, the print shop will be able to easily ship materials through the continent. Additionally, the print shop is located only 175 km from the largest port in Latin America; resources can be easily transported by sea.

This new initiative builds upon ongoing work. Our team in Brazil has operated a print shop since 1993. Over the last 30 years, technology has progressed, necessitating additional equipment. Demand for printed materials has also increased as outreach has accelerated, outpacing production capacity in the old facility.

The print shop is under construction on a piece of land connected to the grounds of Oikos Training Center.

The new print shop won’t just serve one country; it will empower a continent. And it will produce higher quality materials in exponentially greater quantities.

“Having quality materials is essential to convey a message, especially the message of the Word of God,” says Alessandro Soares, our ministry director in Brazil. “Through good processes, new equipment, and staff, we will achieve an increase in quality. We’ll produce exciting and attractive materials to announce the Good News of Jesus.”

As technology has advanced and literacy has increased, quality materials help the life-changing message of the gospel stand out in a noisy world.

“It’s a new time in Brazil,” Alessando says. “There is a new purpose in Brazil. Doors are opening like never before to train leaders and reach people. Today, we can pursue the dream that will help us continue fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus.”

To support the Biblical Print Shop of the Americas and Alessandro’s work in Brazil, give here.

One Comment

  • Pasteur katakwa mulundu Francis Stéphane says:

    Courage pour ce grand projet qui vise à peupler le Royaume de Dieu
    Mais aussi ne vous limitez pas seulement à un seul continent qui est l’Amérique mais aussi pensez à l’Afrique aussi ,cas de la République démocratique du Congo ville de Bukavu
    Je suis pasteur Francis de l’église la Maison de l’Éternel