Hundreds were killed and thousands injured when a series of explosions devastated Beirut’s large port on August 4th. The Every Home Lebanon team describes the event as “worse than what the 15-year-long civil war left behind.”
“The sadness we see on a daily basis as we are scanning homes and fixing the damage is indescribable,” writes Lebanon Ministry Director Simon Ibrahim*. “We sit with people who have lost their homes and listen to them as they share their memories with us and talk about how life is just like a vapor that can disappear in a moment.”
Simon’s team immediately put together a plan to respond by “fixing the fixable.” If a home can be recovered, they will help to put it back together. Lebanon was suffering an economic crisis even before the explosion, so many families will not be able to recover without this help.

Their goal is to fix 100 homes in the next month while sharing the gospel in the surrounding neighborhoods. They expect to reach a total of 20,000 families.
Simon and his team encountered one man who was crying alone. He had lost all of his loved ones and couldn’t understand why he was still alive.
“We sat with him and talked with him, and he prayed with us and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ,” Simon writes. “This explosion opened the doors for us to share the gospel with hundreds of people who would have never been reached any other way.”