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(If you are celebrating with an Advent wreath, light the second purple candle.)


Isaiah 40:3-5 and Luke 1:26-38


Nothing is impossible with God! Isaiah 40 is a beautiful poem that prophecies that the world will be completely transformed—the hills will be flattened and the rough roads will be smoothed out. Think about living in the ancient world; few things seem as eternal and unyielding as towering mountains. But God say that the mountains will change! He promises that the long, steep roads will be made easy! Suffering will end. He also promises to draw near to human beings. Throughout the Old Testament, high mountains symbolize the place where God dwells. The promise that the mountains would be “made low” reflects the promise that people will no longer have go to a temple or climb a mountain to talk with God. God is coming to us! He will come as a baby! It all seems so impossible—flat mountains, God coming to earth. But “with God, nothing is impossible!” Even reaching the whole world!


This week, as you pray through Africa and Restricted Nations in the Middle East and Central Asia, help “prepare the way of the Lord,” by praying that God’s promises would be fulfilled and the rough roads would be smooth and all would see the glory of the Lord.

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