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(If you are celebrating with an Advent wreath, light the first purple candle.)


Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 and Isaiah 2:2-5


Long ago, God promised a Savior would cross space and time and come right into our neighborhood. He would be a real person, like us. His presence would be light, a light so bright it would pull all the nations of the world to it. As you light this first Advent candle, think about why Jesus was compared to light. Why is light so important to us? Why do we need it? (Maybe turn off other lights in the room so that the candle is the only source of light). When we walk into a dark room, the first thing we do is fumble for the light switch. Without light, we feel afraid, alone, and uncertain. We long for the light. The people of God waited for generations for the Light to come. Millions wait still.


This week, pray your way through the Americas, Eurasia, and part of Africa. While there is much that makes these regions unique, believers working with us in all these places frequently request prayer for more church partnerships and that more believers would be equipped to share Jesus.

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