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(If you are celebrating with an Advent wreath, light the final purple candle.)


John 3:16


What does it mean that God showed his love for the world by giving us his Son? Every Home is on a mission to carry the love of Jesus to every human heart. And, every day, believers risk their lives to make sure another home, another person, receives God’s Greatest Gift. Why is it so important, worth so much risk? If you asked a believer working with Every Home, their answer would probably sound very similar to Isaiah 9:2—I was walking in darkness, death looming over me, and suddenly Jesus appeared, bright and full of love. He showed me the way out. Jesus’s love changes us. Now, we see our neighbors hungry, weary, suffering but also so precious, so beloved. We love them with the love of Jesus. That love causes us to see human hearts are worth any cost, even the only Son of God, even our lives. This week, in the final days of Advent, challenge yourself to sacrificially share Christ’s love. Maybe you sacrifice your comfort zone to talk to a neighbor or sacrifice time you had planned to spend on something else. Experience Christ’s love carried through you to the world!


As you pray for China and Asia Pacific this week, pray for Christ’s love to be known and experienced by every person in places that may seem impossible to reach due to restrictions on ministry, enormous populations, or lack of access. Pray that God would do what seems impossible again!

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