A Window of Opportunity
Over a year ago, war broke out in Ukraine. The world turned its attention to the crisis, pouring resources into responding to the needs of millions of refugees and those trapped in the war zone.
Every Home ministries in the region responded quickly. “Our ministries had proven their flexibility and vigilance during COVID-19. This time was no different,” says Gabriel Kosmaly, Every Home’s Eurasia continental director. In the early days, Every Home teams drove vans of refugees out of war zones, loaded the same vans with food and other humanitarian aid, and drove back into the war zones. “This went on for weeks and months,” Gabriel says.
Every Home ministries in nations surrounding the crisis adapted as well, embracing the opportunity to carry Christ to people who needed him most. Anatoliy, Every Home’s ministry director in Ukraine, says, “Praise God, the church in Ukraine—the body of Christ—shines! People are finding hope, and followers of Jesus are being witnesses of his love and truth.”
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As the war stretches on, we are seeing a unique moment of opportunity for the gospel in this region of the world. Every Home Eurasia East Area Director Andrey says,Â
Tens of thousands of people received food. Hundreds of thousands received the gospel. Tens of millions more are ready to receive it. Now more than ever, Ukraine is open to the gospel. In Russia, millions of people need Christ. Many ministries and missions have left this country. It is so important that we do not leave Russia. God loves them too.
Every Home ministries will not leave. We will continue to reach people with hope in and around this war. We will not leave anyone behind. But we need your help.
Recently, Tanner Peake, Every Home president and CEO, traveled to a neutral location to meet with ministry leaders serving in countries on all sides of this war. Tanner shares his reflections on that time. Read on, and then join us in making sure everyone in Ukraine, Russia, and all of Eurasia has a chance to encounter the healing and hope of Jesus.