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In 1 John 4:18, the Bible says, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” Fear and love cannot coexist. In other words, we cannot love people if we are afraid of them.

One of the beautiful things about Christ is that he loved without fear. He was not afraid of people who were different or sinners or outcasts. He did not fear the marginalized, sick, or disabled. He looked upon everyone with dignity, respect, and curiosity untainted by fear—perfect love. Christ showed us what it looks like to love without fear.

I think of this as I consider Every Home’s teams in the Americas. Across the continent, Every Home teams are loving people without fear. They are ministering in difficult, dangerous, corrupt, impoverished, and even violent places in spite of fear. They see beyond their own anxieties, into the eyes of people who simply need dignity, hope, and freedom. And they do whatever it takes to carry Christ to them.

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Whom and how would you love if you were free from fear?

Prayerfully consider where the Lord might be inviting you beyond fear. He does not judge or shame your fear; he simply beckons you to experience life and love in freedom from it.

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