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Seeing The One in Africa

At Every Home for Christ, the dream we share is massive: with your help—and with the help of believers like you all over the world—we’re carrying the good news to every soul on earth. We take that dream literally and seriously.

In my eyes, one of the greatest risks of a dream so enormous is that the scope of it could undermine the heart of it. We could lose sight of the one amid trying to reach everyone. Our task, as believers, is to hold together an urgency to reach every person in this generation with a Christ-like attention that recognizes the dignity of every single soul along the way.

As a ministry, one way we avoid this risk is by empowering local leaders who truly see their own communities. They know the complexities, needs, and nuances of their people, and—with your support—they are able to develop ministry that truly embodies love. It happens one soul at a time and multiplies across nations. Every Home teams around the world won’t lose sight because they are right down the street.

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As a believer with a desire to love people like Jesus, I have found that the best place to start is often simply by seeing people with fresh eyes. When I let go of my assumptions and invite the Lord to show me what he sees, I am overcome by the beauty, worth, and dignity of every single person on this planet. I am compelled by the need for each and every one to know Jesus loves them.

This month, we’re sharing stories to inspire you to take a fresh look at an entire continent: Africa. The 51 nations of Africa are diverse in every way, and Every Home’s ministry there is thriving. Under the leadership of believers who call these communities home, our teams are doing whatever it takes to make sure every person on this continent encounters Christ.

May you be inspired to see the people of Africa with the eyes of Jesus today. Thank you for joining us to make sure no one is overlooked.

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