I once heard the story of a mother who would read her Bible every day while her young daughter played nearby. After years of observing this consistent habit in her mother’s life, the little girl looked concerned one day. “Mommy, aren’t you ever going to finish reading that book?” she asked.
As amusing as this story is, it reminds us of an important truth: The Bible is a daily necessity for the Christian. Jesus told us that God’s Word is more important to our lives than food (Matthew 4:4). And Paul told Timothy that the Church isn’t fully equipped without the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The Bible is the primary way God reveals himself to the world today — how could any of us hope to follow him without it?
And yet, that is exactly what so many believers across the world are forced to do. It’s been said that Bible poverty is one of the greatest injustices in the world today. At Every Home for Christ, we’ve heard multiple reports of new believers who treasure tattered pieces of old gospel literature because the Bible verses printed on them are the only pieces of God’s Word they have ever seen.
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As you lift up the requests in this month’s Daily Prayer Watch, would you also pray a second prayer? For every nation you intercede for, pray also for the believers in that nation who need Bibles. Pray that Bibles will become available. Pray for the smooth transport and distribution of Bibles. Pray that obstacles to obtaining Bibles will be removed. And pray for new believers to grow strong in the faith as they read the Word of God for themselves.
For the Harvest,