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Together for a New Year

Do you set goals for a new year? Make resolutions? Ask God for a word to anchor your year?

Since the beginning of the Oikos initiative (our commitment to reaching everyone, everywhere on earth, in this generation) four years ago, we here at Every Home have chosen a word for each new year. Every year, our word helps unite our hearts around what God is doing in our global fellowship.

This year, as we enter the fifth year of Oikos, our word is together. 

In some way or another, we’ve all experienced the fracturing of the last few years. Our communities, our churches, and sometimes even our families have been tested by the tensions of our unique season in history. But this word—together—is an invitation to remember that we are held together in Christ. As believers, we are called to unity in him.

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At Every Home, together highlights the way we do ministry: by embracing the beautiful, diverse body of Christ around the world and empowering local believers to reach their own communities with the good news, together. Every nation, community, and person is different, and Christ’s love comes to each one in unique and meaningful ways. We believe the clearest way to express that love is most often through the eyes of someone who looks familiar. That’s why we insist on local believers developing contextualized ministry for their own communities. (On average, we are working with over 250,000 volunteers every month.)

Together, we will fill 2023 with the good news of Jesus. We will see hope flourish across our streets and around the world.

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