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I write this letter to you on the verge of a new year — and a new decade! This is a time to start fresh with renewed vision.

Within our global fellowship, we have asked the Lord to speak a word to us for each year of the OIKOS Initiative. You may remember that our word last year was “One.” In the oneness of unity, we pursued the one who was lost. We celebrate and praise God that many of these “ones” were found! Your prayers and gifts have undergirded us in this work, and we are grateful.

Our word for 2020 is “Calling.” As we sought the Lord, we sensed Him emphasizing and reminding us of three specific areas of our calling.

First, we are called to love God. This is a reminder that we constantly need Him in the midst of our busy lives — even in ministry. Our work for God can never replace the love relationship that is meant to be at the center of our lives. The first and greatest commandment is to love God with all of our being (Matthew 22:37), and in this new year, we renew our commitment to make this our greatest motivation and priority.

Second, we are called to serve the Church. This is a critical area of focus for our ministry and for our leaders on the field. The Church is God’s hands and feet in the world, so the vision and mission God has given us must be accomplished through the Church. We seek only to serve by inspiring and equipping the Body of Christ around the world to engage in the Great Commission. God is calling us to renew our commitment to be servants of His Church.

Last, we are called to love the lost. The Father sent the Son because He loved the world. And Paul pointed to God’s love as his motivation to live out and proclaim the Gospel (2 Corinthians 5:14). At the core of our mission is a heartbeat of love for those who have never heard or encountered the Good News of Jesus’ love for them. We are desperate for the Lord to increase our love for those whom He loves.

I pray that as you read these daily prayer requests, the Lord will remind you of your own calling and that you will continue to journey with us in this new year with a greater love for God, for the Church and for a lost world.

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