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The Heart of Our Mission

Few words in the English language have been as overused, abused, and misunderstood as the word “love.” And yet no word is more important to the life of someone walking in the way of Christ. Love is the object, essence, and summation of our faith.

That’s why our Every Home fellowship is spending this year focused on love. For all of 2025, we’re resting our hearts in this sole pursuit: love. Who is the God who is love (1 John 4:16)? What does it mean to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:30)? How will we be known by our love (John 13:35)? We are asking these questions and searching for wisdom in the scriptures, the traditions of our faith, and our experiences with the Lord.

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These are also the questions that led me to write my new book Love: Mission from the Inside Out. My hope is that this book will remind you of your own belovedness, inspire you to see your neighbors through a lens of love, and encourage you to love your world in practical ways.

If we are to carry Christ to everyone, everywhere, in every generation, it will only be by, through, and for the sake of love. It’s not complicated, but it is the work of a lifetime. May we all be transformed by love afresh this year.

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