When Mary and Joseph first brought the infant Jesus to the Temple, only two people recognized the significance of what was happening: Simeon and Anna.
Anna was an 84-year-old widow, and Simeon was also nearing the end of his life. But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that both of these prophets were advanced in years. Age often comes with a greater understanding of what matters most in life.
Consider our friend Eva Kirby. Eva has been an Every Home for Christ partner for at least 35 years — as far back as our current records go! Now in her late 90s, she is a talented painter who often turns photos of Every Home ministry into beautiful works of art. Several of her paintings are on display here at our headquarters.
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We just received Eva’s latest work along with this note (shown here):
Dear family of God,
Since I am now 96 ½ years old, I wanted to send you one more of my paintings before I go to heaven. Bless and anoint your wonderful ministry.
Appreciate you all,
Eva Kirby

I appreciate Eva’s artistry, her friendship with my wife, Dee, and her financial support of our ministry. But what I appreciate most about Eva is that she recognizes what matters most in life: that the lost in the nations have an opportunity to know the truth and love of Jesus. Her support of our ministry for these many years — and her fervent prayers for the work on the field — set an incredible example of faithfulness for us to follow.
But Eva isn’t alone. We have many supporters who are nearing the final stages of life but who continue to faithfully partner with us for the sake of the gospel. Theirs is a legacy that will stretch into eternity.