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Become Christ's Abundance This Christmas

Do you ever feel like the Christmas season, even with all its joy, can actually be quite costly? Holidays often require a lot of our time, money, and energy, and sometimes we’re left with too little to feel particularly generous.

But here’s some good news we can return to if we feel overwhelmed this Christmas. Scripture says of Jesus: “We all live off his generous abundance, gift after gift after gift” (John 1:16, The Message).

As followers of Christ, we have access to his abundance: an abundance of love, grace, and hope. We can pause in this abundance. We can rest in it. We can allow it to fill us up, and we can offer it to our world—because there will always be enough.

In Christ, there is enough love and peace and hope for all of us. We receive it as a free gift. And then something miraculous happens: we become his abundance. Christ offers himself to the world through us. In our hands, eyes, feet, and words, we carry his love in our communities. The abundance of his peace and hope reaches the world through us.

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As you read the stories on our blog, consider how the Lord might lead you to offer his abundance to the world in this season. Recall his “gift after gift after gift” in your own life, and rest in the sufficiency of his grace.

May you experience the abundance of Christ this Christmas.

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