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Enormous and Personal

One thing I love about Every Home is the way our vision mirrors God’s love: both enormous and deeply person. God’s love is vast, embracing all of humanity. And it is particular, personally encountering every individual person on the planet.

This is Every Home. We are a global community carrying Christ to everyone in the world, one soul at a time. All and every.

That tension, maybe even seeming contradiction, between all-encompassing and personal relates to another—we are committed to both efficiency and effectiveness. We reach hundreds of millions of people every year, and we remain devoted to a deep, transformative expression of the gospel to each person we encounter. Our ministry models are designed for lifelong, community-based discipleship, yet we never stop moving toward every person, everywhere, in every generation.

So, when you support this mission, we make sure your gifts reach as many people as possible in the most fruitful way. Our local leaders determine the most relevant, cost-effective ministry methods to reach their own communities. We are globally catalyzing local believers and churches, multiplying our efforts through the calling of God’s people. And we’re obsessively measuring and tracking along the way, trusting our best efforts to the glory of God.

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Thank you for being part of this global community. We honor your partnership in this constant commitment to holy stewardship.

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