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The Heart of the Story

Maybe you’ve heard the quote, “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”

This quote from Joan Didion speaks to the fact that to be human is to connect the dots of our lives—to narrate in ways that make meaning of it all.

To be a person of faith is to know there is always more to our stories and to trust that each plot point is held in Good Hands.

Sometimes evangelism is simply our presence to another person’s story—bearing witness, offering possibility and hope to their storyline by sharing the places we have received possibility and hope in our own.

This is the power of testimony.

As you read the stories we’re sharing this month, my prayer is that you’ll be encouraged—that you might even see your own story in a new light. May these stories offer you hope for places in your life you may have thought hopeless. May they inspire you with vision for ways you might be invited to carry Christ to your world.

Your part in these stories does not go untold. Testimonies like these are only possible through your prayers and support. Thank you for joining us, for being part of our story, and for making us a part of yours.

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