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Encountering Jesus

Do you remember a time when it felt like Jesus showed up for you? Can you recall an experience of his presence when you needed him most? This month, we’re sharing inspiring stories of moments when Jesus showed up. Three things stand out to me in these stories, and I hope they are encouraging reminders for your journey of faith.

First, Jesus is still showing up today. In hearts, homes, and communities around the world, Jesus is encountering people who are longing for him. Miraculous encounters with Christ are not confined to the pages of scripture. They are happening today all around us.

Second, Jesus shows up in surprising ways. He doesn’t always come in the ways, places, or faces we expect. His presence is a gift we cannot predict or control—and it often comes in ways we never anticipated! All we can do is keep our hearts and eyes open for him.

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Third, Jesus shows up in the meeting of people. The scriptures make this clear: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20, NIV). When we show up to the people God has called us to serve, we can trust Christ will be there. When we simply love our neighbors, Jesus shows up.

This Easter season, I invite you to take time to remember the moments in your life when Jesus showed up for you. Remember the people who carried his presence to you. Then, invite the Lord to stir your heart to carry his hope to someone else. How can you bring the unexpected presence of Jesus to the people in your world? It might be a simple act of kindness for a neighbor, or perhaps you will be inspired to support Every Home teams who are carrying Christ to the ends of the earth today. Whatever it is, you can trust Jesus to be there.

Thank you for joining us as we witness the joy of Jesus showing up across the globe today.

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