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People sometimes ask those of us who live in the U.S. and are old enough to remember the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, “Where were you when it happened?” A shared reference point helps us reflect on how our lives have changed over the past 20 years.

Christians also share a reference point, one which spans generations and geography and recalls triumph rather than tragedy. We all have a testimony. We ask, “Where were you when Jesus called you? How are you different now?” Sharing our testimonies helps us remember God’s faithfulness and enables us to draw comfort and inspiration from the stories of others.

I imagine the early followers of Jesus also discussed these questions. Peter could tell of abundant generosity to a headstrong fisherman. Others would remember a simple command — “follow me.” And Lazarus, well, he was four days dead, bound in burial wraps, and entombed when Jesus called him!

Unfortunately, like the disciples, we are prone to compare ourselves (Luke 9:46). Some Christians are reluctant to share their testimonies because their stories might seem mundane next to the testimony of a delivered addict or a returned prodigal.

But there is no such thing as a mundane or insignificant resurrection. We were all called out of a tomb. Let us never take for granted the miracle of our resurrection.

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And every story of transformation is bigger than just one person. As Lazarus’ story unfolds in John 11, Jesus twice points out that events happen as they do so that the witnesses would believe. Around the world, we hear stories of how one resurrection can spark hundreds or even thousands more. Your prayers and gifts equip a pioneer missionary to share the gospel with one person, who shares it with their family, then their village. You pray and give to reach the world with the gospel because someone shared the transforming love of Jesus with you.

Your transformation is part of an incredible, global resurrection story. Like Lazarus’, your story began long before you and will ripple out far beyond you, leading others to believe.

How far will the ripples of your resurrection reach?

For the harvest,

Dick Eastman
International President, Every Home for Christ

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