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Ask yourself: What’s the best Christmas gift I ever received? Maybe it was something big, like a bike, or something special, like an engagement ring. Now, ask yourself: What’s the best Christmas gift I’ve ever given? Was it something homemade for a parent? Something sentimental for a spouse? Scripture tells us that it is better to give than to receive — but that doesn’t mean that both aren’t a blessing. We know this because the greatest gift we can both give AND receive is Jesus Christ. 

Jesus gave himself to us when he was born in that Bethlehem stable — born to give his life for us on the cross. Because of him, we have the joy of new life today and the promised hope of eternal life tomorrow. At Every Home for Christ, we have a model for witnessing called “See and Tell.” We believe that before we can tell someone about the difference Jesus will make in their life, we must first see the difference Jesus has made in our own lives. 

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Christmas is an excellent time to do both. As you reflect upon the amazing gift we have in Jesus, we hope you will take time to pray two specific prayers with us. First, lets thank Jesus for how he has transformed our lives. And second, lets ask him for opportunities to share him with others. 

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