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“Prayer is the divine equalizer. Some preach, others teach, a few sing publicly, but all can pray.”

– Dick Eastman

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The task of sharing the gospel can feel overwhelming.

It is something we cannot do by our own strength. We cannot rely on our own plans or systems. This is why we always turn to God and seek his help. The barriers are real, the dangers are palpable, and the challenges are countless. Yet, none of this is news to God. Over and over, we turn to him and see the miraculous ways he removes obstacles and provides the answers and resources we need most.

It is something we cannot do by our own strength. We cannot rely on our own plans or systems. This is why we always turn to God and seek his help. The barriers are real, the dangers are palpable, and the challenges are countless. Yet, none of this is news to God. Over and over, we turn to him and see the miraculous ways he removes obstacles and provides the answers and resources we need most.



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