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The emotion in the mothers’ eyes is understandable. Though these women come from seven areas in Moldova, they share a fear:

“What will happen to my child in the future?”

Seventy-four mothers and children attended a day camp for children with special needs hosted by the Every Home team. Many of them have experienced a story that is all too common in nations that lack resources and services for people with disabilities: fathers often abandon their families when their child’s disability becomes obvious, leaving mothers to parent alone. For many of these women, Nicoleta and Victoria’s situation is their greatest fear.


See People—Maria, Nicoleta, and Victoria 

Nicoleta and Victoria are twelve and sixteen. About a year ago, the girls’ mother, their only caregiver, passed away.

But God had a plan to care for Nicoleta and Victoria. He was already at work in the heart of a woman named Maria.

Maria is from the village of Carabetovca, where she worked as a social worker. Maria dreamed of adopting. But when her husband passed away and her son needed to go to Italy for medical treatment, the timing wasn’t right. While living in Italy, Maria remarried. Soon after their marriage, her husband, also from Moldova, suggested they return home.

Maria and her husband were very happy with their quiet life. But Maria still hoped to adopt. Her husband agreed. But Maria “did not want to choose the children.” She says: “I wanted the children God would give to me.”

One day, she received a call from the social assistance office. They urgently needed a placement for two girls whose mother was dying. Maria immediately went to meet “her girls,” as she calls them.

Nicoleta and Victoria’s needs were significant. Both have disabilities that impair their mobility and speech. They couldn’t feed themselves or use the bathroom independently. But Maria saw Nicoleta and Victoria as beloved, not burdens.

With Maria’s support and love, Nicoleta and Victoria thrived, gaining independence and communication skills that enabled them to enroll in school. They both enjoyed attending classes, and, when the school term ended, Maria knew her girls would miss it. Then, she heard that Every Home was putting on a free camp for children with special needs.

“My girls feel so good here,” said Maria. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank God for this beautiful camp!”

During the camp, the participants had the opportunity to meet with speech and physical therapists, participate in games and activities, and hear the message of God’s love. These therapies and support services are out of reach for many families due to the cost, and parents often feel overwhelmed and alone. So, projects like this are powerful expressions of the unconditional, unmeasurable, life-changing love of God.

Take Irina’s, story for example.

Show Love—Irina and Vlad

“When Irina came to our camp, she didn’t know anything about Jesus and his love,” our Every Home team writes.

Irina’s second son, Vlad, is twelve and has significant physical and mental disabilities. When Vlad was born, his father began to abuse alcohol and left his family.

Irina and Vlad attended the first day camp hosted by Every Home Moldova. Moved by the love she experienced in the wake of abandonment, Irina accepted Jesus as her Savior. Returning home, she began to gather other mothers of children with disabilities for Bible study, telling them about the goodness and love of God.

This year, Irina returned to the day camp, “not alone,” writes our team, “but with the mothers she meets with monthly.”

One of our team members shares that she told Irina, “I woke up in the morning and saw you as you studied Scripture with nine or ten mothers, and I was so glad that the Lord raised you as a light and a leader.”

Irina replied, “This is life for me! I have purpose! I do not stay inside with Vlad. God’s Word strengthens me and gives me a beautiful vision and perspective! I feel so fulfilled that I have the Lord and I can be a mentor for other mothers who have children with special needs! Praise the Lord for his love and kindness!”

Like Maria saw her girls, the Every Home Moldova team saw Irina and Vlad, saw their needs and their loneliness and demonstrated Christ’s love through action. As we often witness around the world, Christ’s love worked exponentially, cascading through lives!

Speak Hope

“The camp is a great, great blessing,” writes our team. “The children are not accepted in other camps because of their disabilities. Here, they feel free, welcomed, and loved as in a family. Mothers were able to share their experiences. They participated in Bible study, counseling, and seminars prepared by specialists.”

Eight of the parents who attended the camp were believers. They gathered every morning for Bible Study. “This was a living testimony for the other parents,” says our team.

In Bible study, parents discovered freedom from their fears for their children’s futures. Like Irina, many found hope and a change of perspective, coming to “see that their children are a blessing and not a curse,”  shares our team. They began to trust God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘…plans to give you hope and a future.’”


See People. Show Love. Speak Hope.

Every Home exists to carry Christ to everyone, everywhere. We do that by seeing the people around us through the eyes of Christ, showing them Christ’s love, and speaking the message of Christ’s hope.


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