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Be Fruitful And Multiply


"Come, follow me ... and I will send you out to fish for people."

Matthew 4:19

What is the Discovery Method?

  • The Discovery Method is a discipleship model and curriculum for studying the stories of the Bible.
  • The Discovery Method transcends boundaries of language, literacy, and culture.
  • The Discovery Method is used around the world to disciple people of every tribe and tongue into a fruitful relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is our story.

The first words the disciples heard from Jesus were: “Come, follow me … and I will send you out to fish for people.” Jesus called the disciples to an extraordinary life.

Be Fruitful and Multiply graphic

And so, at once, they left their nets and followed him. The disciples lives were transformed by their relationship with Jesus, and Jesus called them to make disciples of others.

“Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people.” Jesus extends this invitation to our broken lives. Will you cling to your nets? Or will you drop the nets of your plans and dreams and dedicate your life to follow in the footsteps of Jesus?

The Discovery Method discipleship model and curriculum steps beyond a one-time response to the gospel to guide believers into a life of discipleship marked by deep relationship, obedience, and fruitfulness that will naturally multiply in the lives of others.

Training and Manual

The Discovery Method can be used with or without the curriculum, but the curriculum cannot be used without the method. Lessons are based on a discipleship model that is necessary. Browse our selection of training videos to start using the Discovery Method today.


YouVersion Reading Plans

God’s Story from Creation to Christ

Core Teachings of Jesus

Essential Truths Of The New Testament

Love God, Love Others

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