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Love is a Verb

“Dear children,” Scripture says, “let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18 NIV).

Our calling as believers, wherever we may be and whatever the work at hand, is to love. And John reminds us: love is not just something we talk about with “words or speech.” Love is something we do “with actions.” Love is something we become “in truth.”

At Every Home, when we say we’re carrying Christ to everyone, everywhere, in every generation, that is what we mean. We’re loving every single person on this planet “with actions and in truth.”

That’s why it takes a vast network of 180 ministry offices in 165 nations partnering with an average of 21,754 local churches and 457,228 volunteers every month—because this is deeply relational work. That’s why we work with local believers who know the unique needs of their own communities. This is a calling that gets carried out face to face, heart to heart, home to home. And that takes a lot of people. In fact, I believe it will take all of us.

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As you read the stories on our blog this month, I hope you’ll be encouraged by the way Christ’s love is in action around the world today. This is only possible because believers like you are responding to the call of his love, “with actions and in truth,” every day. Thank you for joining us.

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