“Surely I have composed and quieted my soul,” the psalmist says. “Like a weaned child rests against his mother, my soul is like a weaned child within me” (Psalm 131:2).
Our souls, no matter how old we are, long to be composed and quieted in the embrace of a mother. We ache for the unconditional love, the transforming acceptance, the heart-deep listening, and the connection of a mother. And when we make our home in Christ, we find our souls at rest: held close to the gentle, nurturing heart of our God.
Mothers embody the heart of God in ways that truly transform us. They show us the unconditional love of Christ. They show us how to nurture life, how to listen, and how to see. They show us the possibility of embrace and acceptance.
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SubscribeThey show us gentleness, strength, surrender, and fullness of life. They show us what it means to keep nothing to ourselves — to multiply all goodness in the lives of children, families, communities, and nations.
Every Home for Christ is a global community carrying the tender, mothering heart of God for his creation. Our teams around the world share the willingness of Christ to do anything and go anywhere to bring every son and daughter home. We long to embrace everyone, everywhere in the unconditional love of God and to invite their souls to rest, like weaned children, in him.
This Mother’s Day, we invite you to spend a moment resting in the loving embrace of Christ. As you draw near to his heart — as you touch his longing for everyone to know that soul-deep rest — consider joining the Every Home community around the world in carrying his love, acceptance, and transforming life to every son and daughter on earth.
Until everyone is home,
Dee Eastman

Dee Eastman has served alongside her husband, Dick Eastman, in his role as the international president of Every Home for over 35 years.
Bethany Peake