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Every believer knows the life-changing power of Jesus’s love. It transforms our relationships, restores hope, and frees us. Jesus changes everything. So, we’re on a mission to share his love with everyone, everywhere.

Testimony from the Field:

“My name is Yusuf*. Some young people from Every Home brought the gospel to our area. I met them in a drunken state. These brothers sympathized with me and expressed the love of Jesus in a practical way. They told me that God loves me and gave his only Son for me. They prayed for me. Through the prayer of the team, I felt a lot of change in myself. God worked in my life. I met these brothers again today, and I am very happy to tell them that, through their prayer, I have been cured of drug addiction, and God has freed me from bad company.”

A new believer in a Restricted Nation*names changed for security

In 2023, Every Home reached as many as 557,864,632 people (like Yusuf) with the truth and love of Jesus.

That’s over 5% of the current global population.

How We Reached 557 Million People with the Gospel!

It starts with local churches.

In 2023, Every Home field staff partnered with 21,754 churches on average each month.
(That’s over twice the number of churches we partnered with monthly in 2019 when we launched Oikos!)

Working with local churches, Every Home mobilizes, on average, 457,228 believers each month.
That’s approximately 6 NFL stadiums worth of people equipped to help reach everyone, everywhere with the truth and love of Jesus!

On average, each believer equipped for outreach shares the gospel 82 times per month! Believers equipped by Every Home shared the gospel over 248 million times in 2023!

Then, the gospel reaches hearts on an exponential scale!

Usually, a single gospel presentation reaches multiple people. A whole family might experience the hope of the gospel when a believer visits their home. A group of friends might stop to talk with a believer sharing the gospel in a public space.

We estimate that in 2023, Every Home reached 557,864,632 people with the love of Jesus!

But we didn’t stop there!

21+ million people responded positively to the truth and love of Jesus in 2023.

Many were baptized and connected to local churches and Christ Groups to be discipled. Believers working with Every Home established 26,959 Christ Groups in 2023. (That’s almost twice as many Christ Groups as there are McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S.!)

What's Next?

Every Home is on a mission to reach every person on earth with the life-changing truth and love of Jesus by 2038. To do that we need to reach around 451 million people this year.

How does your gift make a BIG difference?

We know you care about big numbers. You care that the world’s population is expected to reach a staggering 9 billion by 2038 and that billions have never heard the good news of Jesus’s love, hope, and forgiveness. That number is too big.

Every person should have the opportunity to experience Christ’s love. That’s why it matters that your gift goes as far as possible.

We care about that too. That’s why we spend 92 cents of every dollar directly on sharing Jesus. We keep admin costs low, so your gift reaches the most people possible.

Based on average numbers from 2023, your gift of $400 can help equip 1 church to mobilize 21 believers to share the gospel around 953 times and reach an estimated 2,000 people with the life-changing message of the gospel! (That’s like sharing Jesus with 10 airplanes full of people).

Jesus’s love is the most life-changing thing someone can experience.

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