What does a clean slate mean to you? Relief? Opportunity? Dreams for the future? For many of us, New Year’s Day symbolizes a clean slate. It’s a time for transitioning from the old to the new — a fresh start in which anything could happen. We celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas and Jesus’ resurrection at Easter, but maybe New Year’s Day should also be considered a Christian holiday — a day to symbolize the difference Jesus makes in our lives. When we put our faith in Jesus, we trade our old, sinful lives for a new life in Christ. We are born again and become new creations!
At Every Home for Christ’s headquarters, we receive testimony after testimony from individuals who have been completely transformed by Jesus, testimonies that show how our God is the God who makes all things NEW! Whenever you pray for Every Home pioneer missionaries or give to support their outreach, you play an important role in how Jesus is changing lives in over 150 nations.
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Subscribe2022 is a new year, but it can also be more than that. It can be the beginning of a new life with Jesus for families who get to hear the gospel for the very first time.