I am filled with a deep hope as I write to you this Easter season. I am reminded of the words of Paul: “We always give thanks to God for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly keeping in mind your work of faith and labor of love and perseverance of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father” (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3, NASB).
Your work of faith, your labor of love, and your perseverance of hope join a global community of believers who are committed to praying, giving, and going to see the message of Christ reach everyone, everywhere.
As Easter approaches, I think of the suffering our world has endured in the last year: the loss and anxiety of a pandemic. I wonder if the first followers of Jesus felt similar devastation in the hours that stretched between Jesus’ death and resurrection.
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SubscribeYet even the days after that first Easter morning were not all celebration. They were also filled with confusion, doubts, and personal reckonings over what happened in the dark hours of Jesus’ suffering. But as the presence of Christ came closer, his resurrection real, a new hope took hold. A new future came into focus.
As the dark nights of the pandemic begin to lift, we will all have our confusion, doubts, and reckonings. But I believe we will also find what it means to be marked by resurrection hope. We carry the presence of Christ, and that means we were held all along — he never left us alone — and a new future is possible.
At Every Home, our teams around the world never stop looking for ways to embody the presence of Christ — a presence that brings this message of hope to everyone, everywhere.
This Easter, I pray you know the faith, hope, and love that grow in the presence of Jesus. And I invite you to join our Every Home family as, together, we carry this faith, hope, and love to every corner of the world.

Tanner Peake, Executive Director