We know the story: the sun has just barely crested the scrubby hills around Jerusalem, but the tomb is already empty when Mary arrives.
Through tears, she sees the gardener. “Please,” she begs, “tell me where you have laid him.”
“Mary,” Jesus replies. (John 20:16)
Jesus stepped into Mary’s pain and confusion. And Mary, history, and the world were never the same. That’s what happens when Jesus enters a story. It’s happening around the world!

Believers go the distance to carry Christ to every person in Myanmar.
Jesus on the Porch
“One day, I was sitting in front of my house,” shares Than Soe, a woman from Myanmar. “A man came to me and shared the gospel with some literature. I took it and read it. I was very interested in these writings about Jesus. So, I asked my sister about Jesus. She took me to her Christian friend. Then he brought me back to the man who had shared literature with me. A pastor named Saw Eh Htoo was also there. He shared the message very clearly with me. At last, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. A few days later, Pastor Saw Eh Htoo baptized me in the river. Now, I am part of a Christ Group fellowship. I have begun to share the gospel with friends. Praise the Lord!”
Like Mary, Than Soe encountered Jesus and hungered for his truth and love. “Take me to the Lord,” she asked. And Jesus entered her life through his people.
Jesus also enters places that are hemmed in by obstacles and steeped in anxiety. The disciples were cowering in an upper room, after all, when through the locked door, Jesus appeared, saying, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:19)
Jesus Amid Our Fears
Mr. R, his wife, and two daughters live in a country where it is risky to share the gospel. Loyal to the traditional beliefs of their ancestors, Mr. R and his family were known to be in strong opposition to the gospel. But their rituals brought them no peace.
Their offerings consumed their savings. And still, life heaped burdens upon them; sickness came to their home. One day, they received a message titled “Why Jesus Died on the Cross.” They called a local believer, and he shared more about Jesus and prayed with them. As he prayed, Mr. R and his family “felt a weight fall from them,” shares our local team. Mr. R’s family turned their hearts toward Jesus and began fellowshipping with a local church the very next day.
When Jesus enters, he brings supernatural peace. He doesn’t demand works or offerings from us. The sacrifice has already been made. He shows up in our homes and lives and opens his hands of mercy to us—just as he stretched out his scarred hands to Thomas (John 20:27)—inviting us to experience his resurrection.

Despite the risks, many people in Creative Access nations are seeking Christ.

Believers in Papua New Guinea carry Christ to their neighbors through hospitality.
Jesus in Our House, Today!
In Papua New Guinea, a group of 30 men and women struggling with drug addiction gathered and invited a local pastor, Emmanuel Kavanamur, and Every Home’s Ministry Director Aaron Nikkie, to tell them more about Jesus. Dorcas, Emmanuel’s wife, and some members of his congregation cooked a big meal to share as Aaron spoke about Jesus’s love.
One of the men present, Robert, and several others responded to the gospel.
“Today,” Robert said, “the Lord Jesus Christ has entered this house and rescued us from the bondage of addiction.”
That’s what we celebrate in the resurrection: today, Jesus has entered our house and rescued us!
Every day, around the world, Jesus enters human lives, bringing resurrection. And often, he touches hearts through believers who faithfully carry his love to their neighbors.