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Location: CREAC 13, Asia

This story, reported to us by one of our teams serving in a restricted nation, highlights obstacles that might not come to mind when believers think of places where it is dangerous to share the gospel. In addition to facing the risk of fines, jail, rejection from their families, and even death, believers in restricted nations must also contend with weather and hostile animals. Many believers, like the farmers in this story, make great sacrifices of time and energy to share the gospel.

“By God’s grace, ministry this month has been exciting, and many [believers] have put aside their farming work to follow us on our outreach trips without a second thought…no matter if the weather was swelteringly hot or freezing cold, we would still go forward for the gospel. Fatigue and sweat were nothing compared to the joy that filled us. The Lord’s presence with us meant no obstacle can hinder our love of him or prevent us from serving him. It was certainly painful to be bitten by a dog, but even as I limped along, I was able to finish delivering my gospel literature. My torn trousers can be patched up, and my injured leg would heal in time, but if our audience missed the opportunity to hear the gospel, the consequences would be dire. This is an eternal soul at stake! I struggled to hobble along until I reached the next home. When the residents saw my bleeding leg, they gave me a bandage to dress the wound. I seized the chance to share the gospel with them and prayed for their elderly, bedridden grandfather. When I passed by their home again the next day, I was informed that he had passed on the night before. Thanks be to God! He did not miss the gospel just because I was bitten by a dog.”

Pray for God to bless and provide for believers and their families as they make sacrifices to share the gospel with their neighbors. Pray for God’s protection.

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