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In 2019, we launched Oikos, a daring initiative to formulate the practical strategy, navigate the logistics, and make the sacrifices necessary to reach every single person on the planet with the gospel in this generation. We’re on track to realize this vision! But Oikos is so much more than numbers or an audacious mission statement. Oikos is a story of Christ encountering everyone, everywhere, one heart at a time.

Testimony 01

Today, on this frosty day, the church served the homeless and needy people on the street. To see the image of God in a person, I think we must try to see the homelessness in ourselves and Jesus in the homeless. Jesus once said that foxes have holes, birds have nests, and the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. Sometimes, before going on outreach, we wondered aloud, “Why are we doing this?” One of the volunteers said that we are learning to love. I think serving the homeless is a school of love.

—Every Home team member in Ukraine

Testimony 02

Zarha grew up in an area belonging to religious fundamentalists. Her grandfather is a sheikh in the mosque. Nevertheless, Zarha called on the name of Jesus and then boldly walked into a local church to ask questions. My wife and I sat with Zarha and listened to her story. I explained the gospel message, and she accepted Jesus as Savior. After I prayed with her, she experienced tremendous joy. She said, “I cannot hide this salvation for myself! All people must hear!” We agreed to meet with her every week to study the Word. But Zarha’s brother, Aaban, threatened to kill her if she did not [keep the old traditions]. We prayed together, and Zarha did not succumb to the threats. She continued to talk about the gospel with her brother. Eventually, her brother agreed to meet with us. Aaban accepted the gospel and is sharing the good news with his friend as well. This is the gospel, the power of God to save everyone who believes in Jesus!

—Every Home team member in a Creative Access nation (names changed for security)

Testimony 03

On one of our visits to the village of Koli, we came across some tribal warriors armed with guns. They were amazed because we showed no sign of fear. It was like the Lord Jesus himself went before us. They laid down their weapons and allowed us to share the gospel. They all surrendered their lives to the Lord… One of them, Peter, decided to be a missionary like us. He is now attending discipleship training school.

—Jeremy, a believer working with Every Home in Papua New Guinea

Oikos Progress

2019 – mid-2022 statistics


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