How does your gift change lives in a remote village?
How We Use Resources
We’re committed to helping your gift go as far as possible. We spend 92 cents of every dollar directly on ministry. We rely on lean teams of staff and mobilize vast networks of local volunteers to keep administrative costs low so your gift can go further and do more.
Our Continental Strategy
In some ways, Every Home began with a map. Our founder, Jack McAlister spread out a map of Tokyo and wondered how it could be possible to reach every street and home. Today, planning how to reach every continent and nation starts with Every Home’s continental directors. These men and women lead Every Home ministry in our five continents: Americas, Eurasia, Africa, MENACA, or Asia Pacific.

Meet Abraham Lozano, Americas Continental Director
Abraham embraces the unique challenge of reaching a continent with many diverse indigenous cultures and isolated people groups.
Every Home Americas Continent Stats
- 27 Nations
- Total Financial Need for 2024: $5,519,591
- People to Be Reached in 2024 (Projection): 80,533,722
Global Strategy at the Local Level
We believe in the power of local believers to reach their nations in the ways that makes sense for their context. Continental directors and Every Home leadership seek out and equip ministry directors—visionary leaders in each nation where we have an active Every Home presence. Each ministry director maps out goals and strategies for their nation each year.
We're heading to Bolivia,
where Daniel Herminio Avila serves as ministry director!
Bolivia, World Prayer Map #41
- Population: 12,200,000
- Total Financial Need for 2024: $159,033
- People to Be Reached in 2024 (Projection): 80,533,723
Putting in the Work
Ministry directors like Daniel use your gift to pay essential staff who connect with churches, train believers, and launch outreaches. Daniel budgets to fuel vehicles that reach remote areas, provide practical aid in times of crisis, purchase Bibles and gospel materials, and ultimately carry the love of Jesus to every village, street, home, and person in his nation, even the places and people that seem difficult or impossible to reach…like Chacachitachica!

Destination: Chacachitachica, Bolivia
From the Field:
“We had to travel several hours to reach this small neighborhood, however God moved the hearts of the people in such a way that, after sharing the gospel in their homes, they asked us to hold a service. Several neighbors quickly gathered in one of the homes, and we were given the opportunity to talk to them about Jesus in their native language, Quechua.
People told us that, for years, they had been longing to see believers who would bring them the Word of God. We are now starting a new Christ Group in this community and will visit them next month!”
Start your adventure! Where will your gift transform lives?
People in every corner of the world are longing for the hope and love that only Jesus can bring. Every Home’s tracking tools now enable our partners to direct their gift to a specific nation.
Explore all 165 nations with an active Every Home Ministry and choose to support work where you feel led.