Believer Freed in a Restricted Nation
Our team in this nation writes: “Brother S. is one of our ministers in [REDACTED] who works hard for the kingdom of God. He was sent to a border region to reach the people there, many of whom are Muslims. But he was captured and jailed because of the gospel. We did not even know where he was imprisoned. But everything is possible in the hand of God.”
Around the world, Every Home began to pray for our brother’s release.
The report from our team continues: “After serving two months in prison in [REDACTED], Brother S. has been released from custody. Brother S. said he had the chance to share the gospel with other prisoners and that his imprisonment was God’s plan. He said, ‘For me, to live is for Christ, and to die for him is a gain.’ Thank you, God, that our prayers have been heard.”
400 Hearts Turned to Christ in Papua New Guinea
Our team writes: “Praise God for 400 people who responded to the gospel in Kudjip, Puri Kona, and Minj in Jiwaka province in the highlands region during recent outreaches. Praise God for the great revival in this area where many people were healed and restored. This is an answer to prayer.”
Praise for Baptism in a Restricted Nation
Our team reports: “Giving praise to the Lord for opening a door and allowing the baptism of a believer who comes from a Muslim background. It was a miracle how everything was arranged and done. Glory to God! Thank you for your prayers.”
Mobilizing Prayer by Bike in Cameroon
Prayer unites believers across nations and backgrounds. Our teams share how prayer events and resources have helped churches and denominations that don’t often see eye-to-eye work together for the gospel!
Our team in Cameroon shares:
“We were very impressed by the strong involvement and dedication of some of our partners. In Bandévouri, Pastor Bernard of the Missionary Awakening decided to mobilize believers in Pygmy tribal villages. On Monday, Thursday, and Sunday, they all gathered to pray for the prayer requests on the printed bulletin. This area doesn’t have access to a communications network, so we printed prayer bulletins and sent them by bike to the believers. The day after the end of this prayer initiative, this pastor sent one of his sons to give us report. Listening to him, we were very touched by the way they organized themselves, and especially by the strong participation of the Pygmy people. This was the first time this people group had been involved in a prayer initiative like this.”