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Nhamissenguere, Mozambique, is so remote that maps don’t show roads leading to it. 

If you Google it, the search engine will produce coordinates. No shopping malls, restaurants, or attractions. As far as the World Wide Web is concerned, Nhamissenguere is an impenetrable, unimportant splotch on the map. 

But Nhamissenguere is important, home to people made in God’s image! And believers working with Every Home in Mozambique were convinced there had to be a way to get there! 

Source: Esri; Earthstar Geographics


Every Home outreaches usually begin in a believer’s heart. Pastor Clerisnan Costa ministers in Mozambique and told our Every Home team about the burden he felt for the isolated people of Nhamissenguere. But the question remained: How do we get there? 

Most people in the Nhamissenguere area must walk between 48 and 72 hours to reach an urban area. Imagine walking for several days barefoot to seek medication or sell the charcoal that residents of isolated villages produce to earn income. 

Dead End: No Roads

Mozambique is a coastal nation veined with mighty rivers. Seasonal cyclones, like Tropical Cyclone Idai, have buffeted Mozambique in recent years, washing out bridges and submerging roads. Even agile motorbikes can’t reach isolated areas like Nhamissenguere. 

Need a Lift? 

The flooded landscape around Nhamissenguere is not accessible by land, but what about by air? In 2022, Mercy Air began partnering with Every Home in Mozambique, transporting the gospel by helicopter! 


“You mean you came here by helicopter to preach Jesus to us?” asked a man in Nhamissenguere. Tears streamed from his eyes. Someone had come so far at such great expense for him? 

“Me and my household want to accept this Jesus you are telling us about,” he said.  

The good news moved this man. He did not have to travel to find it. The gospel came to him. 

Inside the Chopper: 

Mercy Air helicopters carry believers and so much more! Recent flights have brought: 

  • Doctors and medical aid.
  • 1,200 pairs of new shoes (in partnership with Soles for Jesus).
  • Colored pencils to color Bible study books (by special request from local children).  
  • Still Needed: More Bibles! 

Field Notes—Every Home Mozambique Team:

“We have worried about the number of places in Mozambique that remain seemingly impervious to the gospel due to limited access. Reaching these places sometimes seems like a mere dream because of the resources needed. For this reason, many ministries don’t attempt to reach these places. They concentrate on the cities, where transport and accessibility are easy, thereby leaving the marginalized people abandoned. 

“As a team, we dedicate ourselves to be the bearers of the good news to the secluded places of our land. Every place we step, we leave a wave of change as the ripple effect, training church leaders, and conducting outreaches as we journey toward fulfilling the great commission. We don’t rest. We continue engaging partners in every possible way. The area is a fertile ground for sowing the good news. This calls, therefore, for relentless efforts to bring the light of Jesus to every village, home, and person.” 

Every other month, helicopters carry Christ to Nhamissenguere.

Will you help believers go to the next “impossible” place by providing transportation?

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