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There’s a reason Jesus used yeast to describe the kingdom of God (Luke 13:20-21). It spreads and grows and transforms! From every region of the world, we hear stories of the gospel changing lives. Often, when one person responds to Jesus, so do others, and whole families come to faith. These are just a few examples…

Africa: Burkina Faso

When an Every Home pioneer missionary led Traore through a piece of gospel literature, Traore gladly put his faith in Jesus. Traore’s family, however, was not glad to hear he was a Christian. They even tried to kill him! But when God thwarted their plans, Traore’s father realized that Jesus was the truth. He called their extended family together to hear the gospel from the same pioneer missionary who reached Traore — and all 24 people came to Christ!

Americas: Mexico

A group of Every Home pioneer missionaries were sharing the gospel in a mafia-controlled neighborhood — when the mafia boss showed up! His gang demanded that the team hand over their belongings. Our team did so peacefully, but then they insisted on sharing the gospel with the mafia boss. He was so impressed by their boldness, he returned their belongings and allowed them to continue their outreach. Three women came to faith that day — including the mafia boss’ wife!


Asia: Myanmar

U Pyone Cho led his village in the worship of traditional gods, so when an Every Home team came to his house, he would not allow them to talk to his family. The team went to pray, and when they returned, U Pyone Cho let them in. After hearing the team’s message, U Pyone Cho’s wife and both of his daughters accepted Jesus as their Savior, but U Pyone Cho refused.

Some time later, U Pyone Cho suffered a stroke. The Every Home team came to visit him again, and — at last — U Pyone Cho put his faith in Jesus and asked to be baptized! There is now a Christ Group that meets in their home.

MENACA: Creative Access #35

Aziz had tried to share the gospel with his uncle and aunt, but they were never interested in what he had to say. Then their son, Mohsin contracted COVID-19. He had battled liver cirrhosis for six years and had to be hospitalized. In critical condition, Mohsin was given oxygen and put into a medically-induced coma. Aziz visited his distraught uncle and aunt in the hospital, and they let him pray with them. A mere six hours later, Mohsin came out of the coma. The doctors said it was the first miracle they had ever seen. Aziz’s uncle put his faith in Jesus, and when they went home from the hospital, Mohsin did as well! (Names were changed for security.)

Eurasia: Croatia

The Every Home team in Croatia has held a weeklong teen Bible camp for many years. They feared that COVID-19 would close the camp last year, but they were able to hold a smaller camp in the end. Following a gospel presentation to the campers, three teen girls named Mirjam, Miriam, and Antonija accepted Jesus as their Savior! Later, when the campers set out for a home-to-home outreach, Mirjam, Miriam, and Antonija were the most enthusiastic to tell others about Jesus.


This is the pattern we love to see on the field: Individuals meet Jesus. They tell their families, and some of those families are saved. Those families reach others, and soon, a whole community is changed.

That’s what multiplication looks like — and it happens because of friends like you.