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Mariza trusted no one. Her father abandoned her mother when Mariza was little. Her Mozambican community ostracized her family. Her first husband abused her. And so did her second.

Striving to support herself, Mariza opened a business selling vegetables. It seemed like the single mother no longer needed to trust anyone. She was determined to make it on her own.

But one day, a neighbor invited Mariza to an Every Home Christ Group, a small gathering of believers who worship God together and learn about the Bible from a trained leader. Mariza had only known African religions before, but at the Christ Group, she heard the gospel for the very first time.

Mariza was also amazed by the care she received from the people of God. Finally, she knew what it was to be loved — and to trust again. Mariza put her faith in Jesus, and now she prays for her family to meet Jesus too.

Stories like Mariza’s happen because friends like you give to equip our teams in 150 nations.