Working within the public health restrictions of each nation, we are innovating new and creative ways to share the Gospel — and people’s lives are being transformed as a result. This is the fruit of your generosity!

Many of the people our team in Myanmar meets are deeply concerned about COVID-19. So our workers are compassionately meeting their needs by providing face masks and hand sanitizer along with gospel literature. Please pray that many will meet Jesus through these acts of kindness.

EHC Liberia recognizes that many people are misinformed about the virus. So, as they share the Gospel in their communities, they also share information from the Ministry of Health about how to prevent the spread of the virus. “People we met doing our outreach testified that our visit was a source of hope in these times of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the team reports.
EHC Liberia recognizes that many people are misinformed about the virus. So, as they share the Gospel in their communities, they also share information from the Ministry of Health about how to prevent the spread of the virus.

“People we met doing our outreach testified that our visit was a source of hope in these times of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the team reports.

EHC team members in Italy are no longer able to conduct outreach the way they used to, but they aren’t slowing down. Partnering with local churches, they have continued to share the Gospel by distributing food and face masks to those in need. “Although the home-to-home method will have to stop for a while, due to obvious reasons… we will find creative ways to reach our nation,” the team reports.

Many EHC teams around the world are utilizing digital communication to share the message of the Gospel while in self-quarantine. EHC Belize Ministry Director Derrick Pitts is a great example. Derrick has created a daily vlog called “Hope in the Midst of COVID-19” to encourage believers and spiritual seekers alike to look to God during this time. “Our problems might be big, but they’re not bigger than our God,” Derrick assures his viewers.