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“Gnarly,” “Tubular,” “Drip,” “Based”—slang changes throughout the decades. Sometimes, it feels as if different generations speak entirely different languages. Technology and the world’s geopolitical landscape change almost as fast. How do we carry Christ across generations when our grandparents or our children sometimes seem like people living in a totally different world? 

We posed the question to our global leaders. Here are some of the highlights of our conversation.

Every Home HQ: As a believer established in ministry, what do you most want the rising generation to know?

It is very important for us to transfer an authentic Christ-centered faith to the next generation. Today, the greatest tragedy the church faces is that churches are multiplying but few people have a genuine faith. The next generation needs to focus on discipleship and the true gospel.

Sunday AlvaBenin Ministry Director

God is for real. God loves them. God is not far away; he is so near. God will give you power and strength to do his will on earth. That's really in our hearts.

RalfMinistry Director in a Middle Eastern CREAC Nation

The younger generation is living in a different, difficult, and dangerous, yet exciting and opportune time. Whatever we [older generations] were able to accomplish for the Lord, they can definitely accomplish more.

Wolfgang LeeAsia Pacific Continental Director

I want them to know God personally by experiencing Him by The Holy Spirit and be humble and serving Him and glorify His name.

GeorgeMinistry Director in a Middle Eastern CREAC Nation

If you could give young believers one gift or piece of advice from your experience, what would it be?

Start simple; stay simple in your ministry work. Then, you will not be picky but open to the opportunities and tasks God gives you. You will learn, like Paul, to be content with much or with little.

Wolfgang LeeAsia Pacific Continental Director

What I’d very much like to pass on to the younger generation is a deep love and commitment to the Lord that drives you to serve him in a selfless way. There are fewer young people who are willing to serve without payment.

Josiane CarvalhoSenegal Ministry Director

Wisdom. The people of the past generation have learned many things. That has made them wise, so collaborating with them helps the next generation avoid many mistakes.

Sunday AlvaBenin Ministry Director

Love God and serve Him. Go forward and don’t hesitate in what are you doing for the Lord.

GeorgeMinistry Director in a Middle Eastern CREAC Nation

But what about the other side of the conversation? Younger generations of believers need to be heard too. What do you wish older generations knew?

I think the rising generation has it hard. The overall philosophy is that there is no objective truth, therefore, you must invent yourself. The deep truths of Christianity can serve as an antidote to all this void of despair.

Gabriel KosmalyEurasia Continental Director

As a young Christ follower, I didn’t hear a lot of testimonies about suffering, weaknesses, or struggling with sin. I wish that older generations of believers were better listeners and communicators. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing my weaknesses with older believers in my church, for they would make me feel ashamed instead of helping me to be transformed into the image of Jesus.

EmanuelCyprus Ministry Director

I think the rising generation has it hard. The overall philosophy is that there is no objective truth, therefore, you must invent yourself. The deep truths of Christianity can serve as an antidote to all this void of despair.

Gabriel KosmalyEurasia Continental Director

For the older generation, I'd very much like them to understand that in God's kingdom, it's not about the race for power, rank or position. We're all servants and co-workers. There's no need to hold God's work hostage by perpetuating oneself at the head of a congregation or organization.

Josiane CarvalhoSenegal Ministry Director

What role does technology play in all of this?

Technology is an extension of humans—it reflects us and our successes, biases, and failures. We only learn by doing. Ignoring the trends will take its toll on ministry. Staying relevant means incorporating what is current.

Gabriel KosmalyEurasia Continental Director

The role of technology is to diversify—to engage different groups of people, to speed up our work, and to reach, especially the younger generation, effectively. It helps us minister to people in their need.

VeronicaMinistry Director in a SE Asian CREAC Nation

The youth of the Church do not notice how everything they absorb negatively affects their spiritual development. Therefore, our big call to young people is to create tools of positive influence on the internet. It’s important for believers to participate in the gospel in different directions.

SergeyRussia Ministry Director

Technology is very useful in ministry and in multi-generational ministry because it facilitates communication between believers leading ministry in the present and those who will lead ministry in the future. It helps circulate useful information, improve our ministry, and create new ministry strategies and methods.

Lolo Christian LopezeCôte d'Ivoire Ministry Director

Should how we communicate the gospel change from one generation to another?

First, the question should be: How should we communicate the gospel from one generation to another? And the answer simply is we shouldn’t compromise or try to beautify the gospel message to our generation to make it “acceptable.” The message can’t and shouldn’t be changed, yet the strategies can be updated by using the language of this generation.

EmanuelCyprus Ministry Director

We can allow any number of things to form and define us—our experience of technology, the norms of our culture or generation, the pervasive influence of despair and isolation. We can allow these things to become barriers to sharing, and receiving, the gospel. But as our brothers and sisters so urgently desire to impress upon rising generations, our identity is rooted in Christ. And, as Josias Mohanoe, our ministry director in Lesotho, noted, “In my experience, different generations can work together in Christ, while it seems unbelievers can never cooperate.” 

The unity of the body of Christ across every kind of border—language, geographic, generational—is a bright witness!