Whether you’re starting 2022 with a burst of excitement, or you need a little inspiration, we’ve gathered 22 words of Christian encouragement from your brothers and sisters in Christ around the world to uplift you today.
As it says in Thessalonians 5:11, “therefore encourage one another and build each other up.”

Encouraging Words About Who God Is
1. “God is so good. Despite the challenges we are currently facing due to the pandemic, God has still been faithful in removing deep-seated fear from us and opening the doors for people to listen to us everywhere we go.” — Yohana Mgonja, Every Home team member in Tanzania
2. “We have been through tough times… Despite restrictions and protocols, God enables us to cautiously visit places and meet individuals, sharing the gospel with them… This situation did not hinder precious lives from listening to the gospel of salvation… We know that God is in control, and he will continue to lead us through every storm and fire so that he may be more glorified in and through us.” — Every Home team member in a Creative Access Nation in Southeast Asia
3. “The Lord has not forgotten me when I was lost, but he has sent his people for the revival of my soul.” — Samuel H. Farr, a village elder in Konoworken, Liberia. (Samuel first heard the gospel 50 years ago but felt lost. He recently received the truth and love of Jesus from an Every Home team!)
4. “Undoubtedly, when you put your project in God’s hands, he provides everything abundantly.” — Every Home team member in Mexico, giving testimony about God’s provision of resources, materials, and local believers to help bring the gospel to their region.
5. “The area that we are doing outreach in is known as a ‘hard ground,’ but, for God, everything is possible, even the area that we are working in.” –Every Home team member, Kosovo

Encouraging Words about What God Is Doing
6. “We are seeing how God is opening doors in the whole country… Believers have offered us their support.” — Every Home team member in Costa Rica, commenting on the Church’s response to devastating flooding after heavy rains
7. “We are so grateful to our living God that we can do our ministry work more effectively and reach more homes than before with the help of local churches… Many believers are praying for our ministry work. And our ministry work is going well.” – Every Home team member in Bangladesh
8. “Recently, we saw a breakthrough in communities that were weary of the Church. People listened and responded to the gospel!” — Every Home team member in Barbados
9. “Years ago, there were small churches in the communities of this region, but spirituality was falling apart, and the places of worship were turned into stables. The leaders were weak. Today, thanks to the grace of God, there is a different spirituality in this region, and we are thankful to our Lord for the ability to be part of these changes, even when the roads have been difficult.” – Every Home team member in Colombia
10. “Interest in discipleship is growing; people are looking for a stronger faith and a personal relationship with God. We show them that hope for the future is in God and his Word. We have no other message.” – Every Home team member in the Solomon Islands
11. “For many Christians, the pandemic was a trigger that made us see the great need for the Word of God in the world. Many believers on outreach experienced how people were hungry, desiring to receive the message of salvation. They need that message in these times of affliction and angst, even if they rejected the message many times before. To see hearts so vulnerable and sensitive to the voice of God made us see how important it is to take the message of salvation to all who may be facing their last chance to come close to God.” – Every Home team member in Mexico
12. “I was born into a confessing catholic family. But we enjoyed the things of this world, and witchcraft was part of our culture… Now, I’m saved because somebody came to my house. Thank God for Every Home for Christ!” – James, a new believer in Guam

Encouraging Words About Who We are in Christ
13. We have met the One for whom our hearts thirst. “My name is Louise. I have been a widow for several years now… I was thirsty to really know the One who created me… [After meeting the Every Home team], I gave my life to Jesus… I went home very happy because I had just met the One I was looking for and for whom I thirsted…. My children and I are currently leading a beautiful life in Jesus.” –Louise, a new believer in Cote d’Ivoire
14. “We walk the day that God has prepared for us in advance… I was recently asked to share my testimony with a group of 100 young people…I believe that God prepared the hearts of the young people… The Holy Spirit worked on their hearts, but also on mine. God touched my heart as I spoke testimony and cried out to them about God’s goodness.” – Every Home leader in Slovakia
15. We are defined by love that cannot be diminished by a crisis.
“The Aileu people… live to care for each other. Even the Covid-19 pandemic situation does not reduce their enthusiasm to share love with each other. God bless and protect them and make everything they do successful.” –Every Home team member, East Timor
16. We are empowered by the love of Jesus to respond to injustice with forgiveness and compassion. – Every Home team member, Rwanda
17. “Visiting every family helped us to know the many challenges we have in our community. The Every Home strategy made us feel responsible for every single soul in our small village. The challenges we meet are answered in prayers. A person who practices sharing the gospel and commits to reaching every home will always have fervent prayers for their community.” Every Home team member, Lesotho
18. And we never stop praying for the obstacles to the gospel in our areas [to be brought down.] God helps us, and all obstacles may be overcome by the power of his presence in us. – Every Home team member, Democratic Republic of Congo
19. “I thought people were born as Christians, and that had been hindering me from joining evangelism classes. But now I have learned that disciples are made. I have zeal to go and help many people become followers of Jesus.” – Lydia, Every Home team member, Uganda.
20. “You are God’s answer to our prayers. Glory to God! We are very honored and committed to… the proclamation of the Word of God to every home.” – Pastor Pablino Velazquez, who lives in Abai, Paraguay. He prayed for seven years for someone to help his community evangelize. His prayers were answered by a recent visit from an Every Home team!
21. “We are the light to all people who do not know Jesus. Before being trained, I cared a lot about those who came to church. But from today, I understand clearly that I must go out and make the story of Jesus known to all, everywhere, [not just those who are already part of God’s family.]” –Ange Mutuyimana, a believer serving with Every Home in Rwanda.
22. “Every day, changing governmental laws are creating confusion and fear… All these things are awakening us to be prepared for that bigger purpose to which God has called us so that we can progress in the guidance of Holy Spirit because the whole world is waiting for the sons of God.” — Every Home Team Member, Creative Access Nation #05
A beautiful refreshing message was given when least expecting it. Our God is alive and working through Every Home ministry. A young lady shared the gospel as I waited in line for the women’s bathroom at a local park in which the Every Home for Christ, Maui had met. I have desperately sought out reasons to continue to hold fast in my Savior’s Love. Thank you. Sheila in Knoxville, TN