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The Muslim holiday of Ramadan often falls around the same time as Easter. In some areas, persecution increases during Ramadan. But this season is also an opportunity to share Christ’s love as people seek genuine encounter with God.

As the sun sets each night during the month-long fast, observant Muslims break their fast with special foods. In Nigeria, in an area so wracked with unrest that the government has withdrawn from the region and even necessities are sometimes scarce, our Every Home team shares small packages of snacks with their Muslim neighbors during Ramadan. A card in each package tells the receiver, “This gift was prompted by the love of Jesus.”

“Our kindness communicates our respect and will earn us the opportunity to engage them in conversation,” our team explains.

Doors that would otherwise be closed to outreach are opened through a small, tangible expression of Christ’s love.

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This outreach is just one example of many creative strategies our teams use to carry Christ to their neighbors during the Easter season. Around the world, churches host screenings of the Jesus Film, concerts, and public outreach events. Believers serving with Every Home also find creative ways to carry Christ during other spring holidays. Some European countries, for example, celebrate Women’s Day. Every Home teams give flowers to women at this time as an expression of Christ’s love and an opportunity to offer prayer.

Outreaches like these, catalyzing holidays or major cultural events to create opportunities to share Christ’s love, are one example of several ministry models used around the world. Our commitment to carrying Christ to everyone, everywhere means that we continually adapt ministry models to reach unique contexts.

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