The Oikos Initiative
Your mission. Your generation. Your world.
In your lifetime, the world’s population will surpass 9 billion.
Every Home’s purpose is to equip local believers to carry Christ to their world—to everyone, everywhere. We believe the life-changing love of Jesus is of immeasurable worth and is intended for every heart. But carrying Christ to 9 billion people is an impossible dream.
We needed a strategy that could expand Every Home’s work to keep pace with a rapidly growing, changing world.
That strategy is Oikos: the largest global gospel effort ever conceived.
Launching the Oikos Initiative in 2019, Every Home united our global network of local believers, expanded the ways we reach people, and focused our vision within the timeframe of a single generation. We envisioned what it would take to reach every person on earth with the love of Jesus by the end of 2038.
Oikos is rooted in data and fueled by innovation. To accomplish this incredible goal on this impossible timeline, we have looked beyond historic and traditional modes of outreach to reach people through online media, public events, special outreaches to marginalized communities, and daring expeditions to costly and dangerous regions. Through disasters, wars, and the COVID pandemic, Every Home’s network of local believers have adapted, faithfully carrying Christ down the street, to the next village, and to the ends of the earth.
Where are we now?
Current projections indicate that, to achieve Oikos, we have to carry Christ to approximately 451 million people each year. So far, we’re mostly on track!
5-Year Goal: 2.255 billion potential people reached
5-Year Total: 2.220 billion potential people reached
But that’s not all! In the first five years of Oikos, we’re celebrating:
None of this would be possible without your prayers and gifts. Thank you for taking a huge step of faith into the “impossible” with us. Let’s keep going!
Every Home for Christ
At A Glance
Our Purpose:
To carry Christ to everyone, everywhere, in every generation
Our Mission:
To inspire and empower the Church to carry Christ to their world
An initiative launched across the ministry of Every Home for Christ in 2019—our purpose, at scale, with a generational timeframe—to carry Christ to everyone, everywhere, by 2038
We are a global network of local catalysts.
In 165 nations, we have local leaders who are committed to carrying Christ to everyone, everywhere. They build networks of local churches, leaders, and believers who will join them.
We inspire and empower the Church to carry Christ to their world.
Our local leaders inspire and empower local churches, leaders, and believers through visionary partnership, trainings, and resources.
People carry Christ to their world.
Local churches, leaders, and believers create and participate in practical plans to carry Christ to their communities in contextualized and meaningful ways. They ensure no one gets left behind.
Connection and Redemption
We witness the Lord at work: people respond to Christ, learn more through discipleship, and engage in the fellowship of his family.
What We Do
We inspire and empower the Church to carry Christ to their world.

Monthly Mobilized Believers in:
Prayer = 362,731
Outreach = 251,565
Giving = 26,539
Admin = 3,739
“Mobilized” = trained, equipped, and sent
Partnering with
2023: 11,415,373
2023: 1,973,075
What Happens Next
People carry Christ to their world.
2023: 557,864,632
2022: 437,769,797
2021: 416,445,146
2020: 344,313,310
2019: 463,630,579
Simply, its the total number of people we estimate have encountered Jesus through the many varied facets of Every Home’s work, including visits to homes, public events, special outreaches to marginalized communities, practical aid and relief, and many other strategies. It’s one of the key ways we track our progress toward the goals of the Oikos Initative. We calculate Potential People Reached based on the total results of the many strategies used around the world and a host of related metrics such as average household size in each nation, gospel materials shared, and event attendance.
Total Gospel Presentation Breakdown
- 565.9 million homes reached
- 192.1 million in public
- 14.6 million at events/concerts
- 90.3 million engaged digitally
- 5.5 million reached by mail

2023: 946,816
2023: 265,948,939

Transformative Results
Connection and Redemption
We witness the Lord using and multiplying the work of our hands.
2023: 21,000,000+
2023: 32,864,500

2023: 26,959
Christ Groups are started where a local church doesn’t exist.

2023: 1,462,491

From the President / CEO
If you are like me, you may have grown accustomed to hearing bad news. It’s on our social media feeds and in the news: report after report of the latest tragedies, near and far. We experience bad news in our communities, where we see first-hand the fracturing of marriages and families. We even hear bad news in our churches, where, instead of life and abundance, we are distracted by too many empty seats in our pews. In our times, we are steeped in bad news; it’s everywhere we look.
But at Every Home for Christ, we are seeing a different story. It’s a story that is far more hopeful. It’s a story that transcends time and place. It’s a story about how tragedy can turn into a window of hope, a place where Christ’s love breaks through. Day after day, we are hearing stories about the lives of those who suffer being turned “upside down” after experiencing unfathomable transformation through Jesus. We hear stories about how God is still at work across generations, within the Church, and outside its doors.
At Every Home, we are a community steeped in good news. And it’s too much for us to keep to ourselves.
Maybe you are discouraged and need to be reminded that God is still alive and working all things according to his purpose. Maybe you need to see something you haven’t seen for a long time—a hopefulness that still abounds when Christ breaks into the dark. Maybe you need to experience again what it feels like to be in the midst of a move of God.
This is a report that is always unique to write. It’s a report full of big numbers and big accomplishments. It’s intended to showcase what our ministry community has accomplished in partnership with hundreds of thousands of gospel-sewing individuals around the world. It’s a report intended to convey our authenticity, ambition, transparency, and stewardship.
But what can be missed—though I pray it is not—is the good news that these numbers convey. These numbers point to something bigger. They point to something beyond us. They point to millions of instances where Christ’s love is breaking into the lives of real people, in real time.
Join with us in seeing, first hand, good news.
Tanner Peake
Every Home President/CEO
Financial Stewardship Report
2023 Financials
Every Home for Christ
World Literature Crusade
Founded in 1946
Charter Member of ECFA since March 1, 1980
Fiscal Year 2023
Every financial decision is made in light of how our resources can best be used to reach and disciple more people. We steward these gifts with much thought, prayer, and consideration.

FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
We are so grateful for every person who generously gives to help the gospel go farther and reach more every year.
”“My name is Yusuf*. Two years ago, some young people from Every Home brought the gospel to our area. I met them in a drunken state. These brothers sympathized with me and expressed the love of Jesus Christ in a practical way. They told me that God loves me and he gave his only son for me. They prayed for me that I may know his love and live my life according to God’s will. Through the prayer of the team, I felt a lot of change in myself, and God worked in my life. I met these brothers again today, and I am very happy to tell them that through their prayer, I have been cured of the bad habit of drug addiction, and God has freed me from bad company. Today, by God’s grace, I am doing a good job and spending time with my family.”
Testimony from a new believer in Creative Access Nation #05*Names changed for security.
”“When we were returning after finishing one of our days of evangelism in Los Chacos, a lady was leaving her house when she saw that we were believers. She ran toward us trembling and crying and asked us to pray for her [adult] son who had disappeared almost twenty-four hours prior. We prayed for her and talked to her about Jesus, how he was in control of everything, just as he had arranged for us to be there at that very moment. After we prayed, the lady calmed down. We promised to come back the next day to check on her. The next afternoon, we found her rejoicing because her son had appeared just a few minutes after our prayer! She gave her life to Jesus, convinced that God hears the prayers of his children."
Report from our Every Home Team in Bolivia
”Nkolbiton is a locality in the district of Niété. It is a locality where only the Bagyélé Pygmy tribe lives. This camp is known by all Christians in the district as being the most hostile to the gospel because several churches have tried to establish themselves there without success. The [people] live under the influence of a certain Edjengué, who is described as a super powerful man, who has the ability to transform and take different forms. He lives in a forest, which is considered sacred. He travels through the village every three months to take provisions from each house. The people of the village told us that he announces his arrival by uttering loud cries and songs from the forest. Once the villagers hear these cries, everyone flees to take refuge in their house. He is considered by the entire village to be the “god of the forest.” We were told that anyone who opposes him will face death…We also traveled through this village with the gospel, reassuring the inhabitants that we come to speak to them about the true God, the one who does not come to subjugate them or to make them live in fear, but the one who loves them and who demonstrated it by offering his only Son as a sacrifice. We used several Bible passages. Several people listened to us attentively and felt more and more touched as we presented the gospel. Forty-seven people repented and decided to confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior… A Christ group was established…. During the first worship service, more than thirty adults and a large number of children attended!
Story shared by our Every Home Team in Cameroon
Every Person.
Every Home.
Every Method.
Every Believer.
Every Prayer.
Every Place.
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